Photo Pensato
A Photographic Collective
Photo Pensato is a collective of photographers with varied styles and techniques, inspired to create images that reflect our unique and personal perspectives. ‘Pensato’ is an Italian term for a musical note so exquisite it can be neither played nor heard. There appears to be no comparable expression as applied to photography. Yet, we persist in our quest to create images that capture that ‘exquisite note’, elusive spirit, and timeless power of this medium.
As artists, we are drawn to each other’s work through an appreciation of each photographer’s efforts to discover, learn, and grow. Photo Pensato is about that pursuit, that shared aesthetic, and our need to share what we perceive or imagine in the world around us.

Courtesy of Sange de Cristo Arts Center
David Hayden, Photographer

Linda Little© 2024
Recent Group Exhibitions
2024 Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, CO
2023 Center for the Arts, Evergreen, CO
2023 Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, CO
2022 Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, CO
2021 Colorado Mountain College, Leadville, CO
2021 Colorado Mountain College, Vail, CO
To exhibit Photo Pensato, please contact us directly.